The Business Association Members Open Their Doors All Weekend
The Neighborhood of the Arts Business Association (NOTABA) is holding NOTA Weekend, a neighborhood-wide celebration from Friday, August 4 to Sunday, August 6. Area businesses will be open offering deals, giveaways, special activities, and more. There are no set start or end times; businesses have designated their own hours of operations during the weekend.
Our friends at InnoQuests offer a new way to experience Neighborhood of the Arts (NoTA)!
Using the InnoQuests mobile app, you’ll immerse yourself in a story, following clues to explore the region. At each stop on your scavenger hunt, solve puzzles by exploring the art and architecture throughout NoTA. To get started, download the app and get your ticket to “The Con Artist’s Case.” Then, head to Village Gate Plaza to start your adventure.
Use code IQ_NOTA23 to take 50% off of a game